goodness gracious, and we thought wombats and huntman spiders were cute! look at our new, but alas temporary, pet: baby orphaned hopping mouse Basil. We found him yesterday night huddled, alone and a bit battered on a busy footpath in St. Kilda (part of the Melbourne), near a parking lot. We took him home to our hotel after some debate and then off to Jerrihlinga, a wildlife sanctuary, today. He just wanted to be held, cuddled and fed--he had no fear of us giant humans. We didn't do very well at the feeding part although we rigged up a q-tip nipple to feed him watered down milk until he could get to his new home and a proper diet of special rodent milk. We learned that he's a rodent, not a marsupial, and he and his relatives arrived in Australia around 5 million years ago.

1 comment:
AWWWW! That little guy is so cute! Glad you guys found him and saved him.
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