Sammy was there to persecute Jesus:

Sammy collaborated with Vader to take Obi Wan down,
bringing tears to millions of children:

Sammy claims she respects all wildlife, yet this image
shows her bloodthirsty side on a Japanese Whaling boat

Apparently her appetite for ultimate evil was not
satiated by taking down Obi Wan...she now
turns her attention to forwarding Sauron's cause
by slaying the noble Boromir:
satiated by taking down Obi Wan...she now
turns her attention to forwarding Sauron's cause
by slaying the noble Boromir:

Wow! Sammy not only has dual good/evil nature, but travels through time, fiction, and non-fiction! Those are some serious powers....X-Men IV anyone??
I don't think Aussies have thanksgiving. And even though the Canadian one has passed already, if you need a diversion to Oprah, here is your e-treat:
Haha - yes, she does have massive powers. That's why we must work to contain the evil side before Armageddon comes down.
Alas, I knew this day would come. I have been found out, but before judgement's passed you must know this. These acts you perceive as being evil are in actuality performed for a greater good. Sometimes the innocent must die so the rest may go on. That's about all I can reveal now, but have faith mere mortal, have faith.
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