We saw this sign in Perth and a wave of sentimental thoughts overwhelmed us cause we do, certainly, miss the Good Sammy!
Then came Samina's rantlike comment on the Oprah post. Sammy, like all humans, exhibits behaviour that specifically identifies the classic duality of human nature (the Good Side that we miss and love versus the Evil side that we don't.) What evil side? Read the post!
Damo, in search of justice and cold hard vengence, shall search for a photo opportunity that represents Sammy's other side and post the results.
Whew, what an astounding night...
We can sleep now knowing our country is safer from acts of republican terrorism.
By the by, please stop by OregonDistrict.com and help some of my good friends get a nice site off the ground. And stop by the house of the unholy, (thats me) and say hello!
Um, since when did expressing an opinion make one evil? Oh, perhaps if the opinion is harsh but valid.
If fighting the corruption of Oprah and Dr. Phil makes me evil then I accept that label and carry it proudly.
Love the sign!
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