Screw you guys back home for not visiting us! At least we now know who our friends are - Darren & Kelly made the trip from Sydney down to see us for a four day weekend back on August 24th. One of those days was spent spanking a record hangover...damn you beer, wine, shots, highballs...

So where'd we take our visiting

Aussies? To our favorite spots on the Great Ocean Road. Wreck Beach, The Koala Drive where you are sure to spot a plethora of koalas in the wild up close and personal, and, of course, the 12 apostles (well, only 9 remaining, those apostles keep dropping like, well, apostles being persecuted by the Romans.)
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end!
bad boozin' damo and darren. kelly and i were sensible and went home after a glass of wine (moi) and juice (pregnant kelly) and thus avoided the agony and inaction of the two boys the next day.
Great pictures and story line !Which camera did you use?
wished that your Mom and I could have visited.
See you in DEcember at Emerald LAke.
(Dont forget your camera!!)
Love Dad
Those are taken with the super sweet Minolta XGM. Film rocks, although I'm sure the digital SLRs rock more, except for their price tag!
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