The second shot was taken pointing the camera straight up at the sky (and away from the moon which would over expose it.) You can see the milky way as a foggy patch running the length of the middle.
We're back from Australia now. We plan to continue to post using this blog both current stories and stuff from our Aussie adventure so keep checking!
Related Sites:
Ours To Destroy Damo's band.
Ours To Destroy on MySpace Befriend Us.
Don't Magazine Damo's a reviewer.
we have some matted frames waiting for something os beautiful!
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge." (Psalm 19:1,2).
(sorry Dave, I couldnt resist. The picture just matches the words too well)
Teehee. I guess they do! We plan to select somewhere around 20 of the bestest of the best photos to print and hang on the wall downstairs. Should be fun figuring out which ones they are! I'm thinking that eucalypt/star one is in there for sure!
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