Today, at recess, a little Year Seven boy (12 or 13 years of age) couldn't get his lock open. He was so upset, he was crying! Poor kid! Some of my 'integrated" kids (aka 'coded' or learning disabled) almost cried today as well because we were looking up words in the dictionary and they 'hated it!' and just couldn't do it until I came to help them both with each and every word. "Miss, miss, I can't find
environment! It's not on this page!" "Well, this is the
ent page so we have to turn over to the next page . . . yes, there it is! Good work!" In the same class, I discovered a student with anger management issues after he hurled markers at his group--kicked him out, found him bawling when I went to chat with him.
I am so not used to this age group! Tears everywhere! Immature behaviour! Lack of basic skills! They tell on each other! I think I will be developing my nuturing side a lot more this year, along with my patience. However, these little guys can be cute too. The students all have to wear uniforms--adorable! The girls all love my accent ("That's Ms. Cameron. Isn't her accent lovely!?!") and all the students ask lots of questions about Canada, including whether I speak Canadian! I spoke a few words of my awfully accented French and they just thought that was SO exotic!
The Year 9s are okay, even though they all hate Australian history, the subject matter of this course. There's one pisshead (pardon my language, Mom!) who's an exception--he's notorious so I have much sympathy from the other teachers. As the Aussies would say, he's feral.